What makes a show good for me, personally, is a mystery that just doesn't quit. I want to know why. Why did this happen? Why is this phenomenon occurring? Why did that person do that? A series is really good to me that takes its time in answering those questions.
Mark PellegrinoIt's very hard to operate on a general philosophy of power. They say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but I don't agree with that. I think you have to be corrupted to be corrupted by power.
Mark PellegrinoStar Trek was a big thing for me. I kind of grew up with that. And Twilight Zone is one of my all-time favorite shows. In fact me and Sam Witwer from Being Human sit down and have marathons to get our little Twilight Zone fix.
Mark PellegrinoTheres a lot of speculation on what the zombie apocalypse thing means. I have a feeling that its kind of an expression of our subconscious fears. I think we know that something big and impossible - some enormous crash, equalizing crash, whatever - may be coming around the corner.
Mark Pellegrino