There is a remarkable nimbleness of style, a balancing act of tone, in Voltaire, which is hard to bring off on stage. When you speak the words out loud, the effect is very different from when you read them. So one needs to do something new with a stage performance, not simply 'tell the story'.
Mark RavenhillTheatre within theatre, when characters sees themselves on stage, always raises philosophical questions of choice and free will.
Mark RavenhillWe are now so far advanced in our denial of evil that we want to rationalise it away.
Mark RavenhillIt's a book that makes me laugh and think - it would be very hard to like someone who didn't enjoy Candide!
Mark RavenhillThe American journalist Barbara Ehrenreich has written about this in her book Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World (2009) . She talks about the happiness industry, the rise of medication to make us happy and of self-help books, and the influence of all this on religion. In many ways religion has become another form of self-help. We all suffer from over-exposure to positive thinking.
Mark Ravenhill