If you really want a humanized birth, the best thing you can do is stay the hell out of the hospital.
Marsden WagnerOne way to measure a particular doctor's openness and attitude toward women in general is simply to ask about the doctor's opinion of midwifery.
Marsden WagnerBeyond the immediate risks to her health and the health of her baby, when a woman chooses c-section, she decreases the chance that she will be able to get pregnant again and increases the chance that if she does get pregnant, the pregnancy will occur outside the uterus, a situation that never results in a live baby and is life-threatening to the woman. Furthermore, the risk of having an unexplained stillbirth doubles when a woman has had a previous c-section.
Marsden WagnerThere is no scientific evidence that doing over 10 percent of births with a cesarean improves the outcome for the woman or improves the outcome for the baby.
Marsden Wagner