Here and there on the branch of an oak a congress of leaves still clung, rigid as flakes of bronze.
Martha OstensoGrowing old was simply a process of drawing closer to that ultimate independence called death.
Martha OstensoReligion is passionate, reckless, destructive, idol-smashing. It's a martyr burning at the stake. It's a crown of thorns and a cross.
Martha OstensoGod, what pathetic creatures had inherited the earth, to walk a little while with their eyes upon the stars and turn their gaze too soon upon the ground that held their feet!
Martha Ostensoit was a sly trick of God's to give a man work to do - it kept him from asking questions that God couldn't answer.
Martha OstensoIt's remarkable - most remarkable, the way these people manage, from time to time, a tragedy or a near-tragedy to break the even tenor of their ways,' said Mr. Tingley, in a tone of half-humorous superiority, by which he considered that he distinguished himself, subtly and inoffensively, from 'these people.
Martha Ostenso