I think about the kinds of gardens that Queen Elizabeth put up. She made gardens in the shape of an "E," for Elizabeth, just one more way in which she used symbolism to solidify her reign: appearing as the Virgin Queen, for example, or wearing a dress embroidered with eyes and ears to indicate that she knew all that was going on in her castle; she had spies.
Martha RonkGardens do offer a temporal tableau and certainly mean differently in different eras and indeed geographies (think of the formal gardens in France).
Martha RonkI've always been interested in the fragility of things, and with special urgency now because of climate change, but also because of the accidents of reading.
Martha RonkI know that in some ways I operate from a kind of antiquated interest in imagery, while many contemporary poets are not so interested in imagery. I think part of it is my training, and just my visual sense of things.
Martha Ronk