Y'know scientists are funny. We probe and measure and dissect. Invent lights without heat, weigh a caterpillar's eyebrow. But whenit comes to really important things we're as stupid as the caveman.... Like love. Makes the world go 'round, but what do we know about it? Is it a fact? Is it chemistry? Electricity?
Martin BerkeleyPersonally I think we're over-specialized. Why it's getting so we have experts who concentrate only on the lower section of a specimen's left ear.
Martin BerkeleyY'know scientists are funny. We probe and measure and dissect. Invent lights without heat, weigh a caterpillar's eyebrow. But whenit comes to really important things we're as stupid as the caveman.... Like love. Makes the world go 'round, but what do we know about it? Is it a fact? Is it chemistry? Electricity?
Martin Berkeley