A spark is a molecule of matter, yet may it kindle the world; vast is the mighty ocean, but drops have made it vast. Despise not thou small things, either for evil or for good; for a look may work thy ruin, or a word create thy wealth.
Martin Farquhar TupperI have sped by land and sea, and mingled with much people, but never yet could find a spot unsunned by human kindness.
Martin Farquhar TupperSearch out the wisdom of nature, there is depth in all her doings; she seemeth prodigal of power, yet her rules are the maxims of frugality.
Martin Farquhar TupperKnowledge is leagued with the universe, and findeth a friend in all things; but ignorance is everywhere a stranger, unwelcome; ill at ease and out of place.
Martin Farquhar Tupper