When my heart is cold and I cannot pray as I should I scourge myself with the thought of the impiety and ingratitude of my enemies, the Pope and his accomplices and vermin, and Zwingli, so that my heart swells with the righteous indignation and hatred and I can say with warmth and vehemence: 'Holy be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done!' And the hotter I grow the more ardent do my prayers become.
Martin LutherThe Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.
Martin LutherThus every matter, if it is to be done well, calls for the attention of the whole person.
Martin LutherThe forces of good and evil are working within and around me, I must choose, and in a free will universe I do have a choice.
Martin LutherThe winds are nothing else but good or bad spirits. Hark! how the Devil is puffing and blowing.
Martin LutherYou may as well quit reading and hearing the Word of God, and give it to the devil, if you do not desire to live according to it.
Martin LutherTake a look at your own heart, and you will soon find out what has stuck to it and where your treasure is. It is easy to determine whether hearing the Word of God, living according to it, and achieving such a life gives you as much enjoyment and calls forth as much diligence from you as does accumulating and saving money and property.
Martin Luther