None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience.
Martin LutherWhen I was abandoned by everybody, in my greatest weakness, trembling and afraid of death, when I was persecuted by this wicked world, then I often felt most surely the divine power in this name, Jesus Christ... So, by God's grace, I will live and die for that name.
Martin LutherWhen our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, 'Repent,' he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.
Martin LutherI did not learn my theology all at once, but had to search constantly deeper and deeper for it. My temptations did that for me, for no one can understand Holy Scripture without practice and temptations...I t is not by reading, writing, or speculation that one becomes a theologian. Nay, rather, it is living, dying, and being damned that makes one a theologian.
Martin Luther