As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars.
Martin LutherWhen God wants to speak and deal with us, he does not avail himself of an angel but of parents, or the pastor, or of our neighbor.
Martin LutherI pray that God would open the mouth in me and the heart in you and that he would be the teacher in the midst of us who may in us speak and hear.
Martin LutherWhere faith is not continually kept in motion and exercised, it weakens and decreases, so that it must indeed vanish; and yet we do not see nor feel this weakness ourselves, except in times of need and temptation, when unbelief rages too strongly; and yet for that very reason faith must have temptations in which it may battle and grow.
Martin LutherThe Deceiver can magnify a little sin for the purpose of causing one to worry, torture, and kill oneself with it. This is why a Christian should learn not to let anyone easily create an evil conscience in him. Rather let him say, "This error and this failing pass away with my other imperfections and sins, which I must include in the article of faith: I believe in the forgiveness of sins.
Martin Luther