I get up early and open my emails, write cheques and answer the phone; whatever needs to be done.
Martin ParrI am not as cross about Thatcher now as I was in the 80s. Begrudgingly, I can see that some of her policies helped modernise Britain.
Martin ParrFilming is always a challenge because I'm not used to it. But I approach it head-on. I'm not technically brilliant, but it's the spirit that counts.
Martin ParrI toyed with the notion of being an actor, and am so glad that this whim did not go any further.
Martin ParrChoosing sepia is all to do with trying to make the image look romantic and idealistic. It's sort of a soft version of propaganda.
Martin ParrIn 1982 I bought the newly released Makina Plaubel 55mm fixed-lens camera. With this shift from 35mm to 6 x 7, I also changed from black and white to color. Later that year, I started my project on New Brighton called The Last Resort. However, the first project I shot in colour was composed of urban scenes from Liverpool. This image was on the second roll of film. It's the first good photo I made in this new chapter of my work.
Martin Parr