At the end of the day, men like Donald Trump need to be given that which they themselves dispense: clear messages. I would confront him as clearly and explicitly as possible. It is not only the right, but also the duty, of the leader of a German government to do that.
Martin SchulzThe problem with us EU politicians is that we approach everything with cool rationality, and then wonder why we don't win people over emotionally.
Martin SchulzI am grateful to the Germans in general, particularly those who displayed unending dedication to the refugees and who continue to do so.
Martin SchulzDonald Trump is betraying everything that made America great: tolerance, democratic institutions and respect for the individual. In that sense, Trump is the most un-American U.S. president that the country has had in a long time.
Martin SchulzIn all of my speeches I talk about why a strong Europe is necessary in order for Germany to be strong over the long term. I think that I have sufficiently shown over the past years that I have a clear notion of how we can make Europe stronger, more democratic and more inclusive. There is really no competition there with Sigmar Gabriel.
Martin Schulz