I would have oriented myself in case of Donald Trump according to what former German Chancellor Gerhard Schrรถder said to then - U.S. President George W. Bush when the Americans launched a war that was in violation of international law. Schrรถder showed that a German chancellor can act in a clear and self-confident manner toward a U.S. president.
Martin SchulzBut if you constantly insist only on your own interpretation, it isn't long before it seems patronizing.
Martin SchulzI'm fully aware that my vision of a European bicameral parliament can't be implemented tomorrow. I'm also not an integration fanatic.
Martin SchulzComplementing the nation-state as it reaches its limits amid globalization: That is what Europe must offer.
Martin SchulzWe all have to accept accusations that we ignored the refugee crisis for far too long. The first time that I referred to the Mediterranean Sea as Europe's cemetery was in October 2013, when hundreds of people drowned off Lampedusa. Italians, Maltese, Greeks and Spaniards have been pleading for help for years. But nobody cared.
Martin SchulzWe have to engage in a dialogue with Donald Trump because he is the elected president of the United States of America. But we have to emphatically oppose his foreign policy ideas.
Martin SchulzWhen we were negotiating the ongoing financial period in 2013, I talked myself hoarse. London and Berlin in particular insisted on reducing the budget. So we - to the applause of German journalists - made cuts to central future-oriented areas and slashed the budget for development aid, research and technology.
Martin Schulz