I will not glory, even in my orthodoxy, for even that can be a snare if I make a god of it... Let us rejoice in Him in all His fullness and in Him alone.
Martyn Lloyd-JonesI am not asking whether you know things about Him but do you know God, are you enjoying God, is God the centre of your life, the soul of your being, the source of your greatest joy? He is meant to be.
Martyn Lloyd-JonesPeople are often unhappy in the Christian life because they have thought of Christianity, and the whole message of the gospel, in inadequate terms.
Martyn Lloyd-JonesYou must be made miserable before you can know true Christian joy. Indeed the real trouble with the miserable Christian is that he has never been truly made miserable because of conviction of sin. He has by-passed the essential preliminary to joy, he has been assuming something that he has no right to assume.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones