The practice of thrift is not outdated. We must discipline ourselves to live within our incomes even if it means going without or making do. The wise person can distinguish...between basic needs and extravagant wants. Some find budgeting extremely painful, but I promise you, it is never fatal.
Marvin J. AshtonThere is a gift available to all of us-the gift of looking to God for direction. Here is an avenue of strength, comfort, and guidance. . . . "Look to God and live." This is the wonderful promise given so often in the scriptures. . . . Our capacity to see and comprehend is increased only in proportion to our willingness to look. God becomes more approachable as we look to him.
Marvin J. AshtonYou owe it to yourself to keep fit. No matter how busy or how involved you are, you should have some type of physical program to keep the body in tune.
Marvin J. AshtonThe gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm.
Marvin J. AshtonThe direction in which we are moving is more important than where we are at the moment. Goal setting should cause us to stretch as we make our way.
Marvin J. AshtonAccording to the dictionary, knock has two definitions: "to strike something with a sharp blow," and "to find fault with, a harsh and often petty criticism." Perhaps in human relationships both of these meanings could apply. Almost all men will respond to sincere praise and rebel at harsh and cutting criticisms.
Marvin J. Ashton