I do beg you to have some regard for my pride. A million years? I assure you I would stop asking after the first thousand.
Mary BaloghA sunrise or sunset can be ablaze with brilliance and arouse all the passion, all the yearning, in the soul of the beholder.
Mary BaloghThere is something infinitely better than happily-ever-after. There is happiness. Happiness is a living, dynamic thing, Eve, and has to be worked on every moment for the rest of our lives. It is a far more exciting prospect than that silly static idea of a happily-ever-after. Would you not agree?" - Aidan Bedwyn
Mary BaloghLove did not have to make sense. It did not have to be worthy. It did not have to be earned. It did not have to woo. It just simply was.
Mary BaloghAnd of course the word love has many shades of meaning, as do many, many of the words in our living, breathing language
Mary BaloghBut the things is, you see, that two people can never actually become one no matter how close they are. And it would not be desirable even if it were possible. What would happen when one of them died? It would leave the other as a half a person, and that would be a dreadful thing. We must each be a whole person and therefore we each need some privacy to be alone with ourselves and our own feelings.
Mary Balogh