And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn," he said, lowering his voice again and narrowing his eyes and moving his head a quarter of an inch closer to hers. "And their merging sometimes affords the beholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours. A sunrise or sunset can be ablaze with brilliance and arouse all the passion, all the yearning, in the soul of the beholder.
Mary BaloghNothing is permanently perfect. But there are perfect moments and the will to choose what will bring about more perfect moments.
Mary BaloghAlways guarding one's real, precious self in a cocoon of tranquility within a thousand masks. Life itself had become a secret affair.
Mary BaloghI'm terrified that I will never be able to put him from my mind. I don't love him but I'm afraid that he will make it impossible for me ever to love anyone else.
Mary Balogh