Seeing their children touched and seared and wounded by race prejudice is one of the heaviest crosses which colored women have to bear.
Mary Church TerrellAs a colored woman I might enter Washington any night, stranger in a strange land, and walk miles without finding a place to lay my head
Mary Church TerrellNobody wants to know a colored woman's opinion about her own status of that of her group. When she dares express it, no matter how mild or tactful it may be, it is called 'propaganda,' or is labeled 'controversial.' Those two words have come to have a very ominous sound to me.
Mary Church Terrell... no young colored person in the United States today can truthfully offer as an excuse for lack of ambition or aspiration that members of his race have accomplished so little, he is discouraged from attempting anything himself. For there is scarcely a field of human endeavor which colored people have been allowed to enter in which there is not at least one worthy representative.
Mary Church Terrell