Even American women are not felt to be persons in the same sense as the male immigrants among the Hungarians, Poles, Russian Jews,--not to speak of Italians, Germans, and the masters of all of us--the Irish!
Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi... the danger of illicit sex influences is, and always has been, in inverse proportion to the degree to which women approximatedto equality with men, in social dignity and in opportunity for public responsibility.
Mary Corinna Putnam JacobiTo-day women constitute the only class of sane people excluded from the franchise.
Mary Corinna Putnam JacobiIt is one thing to say, "Some men shall rule," quite another to declare, "All men shall rule," and that in virtue of the most primitive, the most rudimentary attribute they possess, that namely of sex.
Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi