My guard will run you through if he catches you looking at my face," said Arianna. "I don't think so. I think it might be treason to kill a duke," said Luciano. "But you're not a duke," said Arianna. "I will be if you marry me," said Luciano. "Yes, you would be," said Arianna. "Would?" "If you are asking me." "I'm asking." "And if I accepted." "Do you?" "I do. With all my heart.
Mary HoffmanI often think how unadventurous my life must seem from the outside, though I do like my job.
Mary HoffmanI hardly think a girl is much of a threat. I presume you searched her for weapons? But if she attempts to suffocate me with her straw mattress, I promise to call out for help.
Mary HoffmanIf I had known, do you think I should have let her get away with this mad plan? That I should have let her rob me of my child? No, I should have taken you myself and hidden with you in some far-off land and never seen her again rather than agree to such an unnatural scheme
Mary HoffmanWe are in a tight corner, now, I agree. But we have been in tight corners before and come out of them. You have to be brave a little longer.
Mary HoffmanThere are some choices you can only make once. You can't go back to where you made a choice and then take the other one.
Mary HoffmanMy guard will run you through if he catches you looking at my face," said Arianna. "I don't think so. I think it might be treason to kill a duke," said Luciano. "But you're not a duke," said Arianna. "I will be if you marry me," said Luciano. "Yes, you would be," said Arianna. "Would?" "If you are asking me." "I'm asking." "And if I accepted." "Do you?" "I do. With all my heart.
Mary Hoffman