Probably we never fully credit the interdependence of wild creatures, and their cognizance of the affairs of their own kind.
Mary Hunter AustinWhat women have to stand on squarely [is] not their ability to see the world in the way men see it, but the importance and validity of their seeing it in some other way.
Mary Hunter AustinTo underestimate one's thirst, to pass a given landmark to the right or left, to find a dry spring where one looked for running water - there is no help for any of these things.
Mary Hunter AustinThe desert floras shame us with their cheerful adaptations to the seasonal limitations. Their whole duty is to flower and fruit, and they do it hardly, or with tropical luxuriance, as the rain admits. ... One hopes the land may breed like qualities in her human offspring, not tritely to 'try,' but to do.
Mary Hunter Austin