Whatever changes the new era brings, whatever new pathways we take, I am sure that our special relationship with America - forged in adversity, will not change.
Mary McAleeseHere is a shared memory that we didn't share, forgot to share, for almost ninety years.
Mary McAleeseIt is absolutely no accident that the peace and reconciliation, and indeed the economic progress, that eluded us generation after generation for hundreds of years, has at last come to pass in an Ireland where the talents of women are now flooding every aspect of life as never before.
Mary McAleeseThat past is still within our living memory, a time when neighbour helped neighbour, sharing what little they had out of necessity, as well as decency.
Mary McAleeseThe immigrant's heart marches to the beat of two quite different drums, one from the old homeland and the other from the new. The immigrant has to bridge these two worlds, living comfortably in the new and bringing the best of his or her ancient identity and heritage to bear on life in an adopted homeland.
Mary McAleese