Life is a system of recurrent pairs, the poison and the antidote being eternally packaged together by some considerate heavenly druggist.
Mary McCarthyFrom what I have seen, I am driven to the conclusion that religion is only good for good people.
Mary McCarthyA good deal of education consists of unlearning-the breaking of bad habits as with a tennis serve.
Mary McCarthyThe American character looks always as if it had just had a rather bad haircut, which gives it, in our eyes at any rate, a greater humanity than the European, which even among its beggars has all too much a professional air.
Mary McCarthyA politician or political thinker who calls himself a political realist is usually boasting that he sees politics, so to speak, in the raw; he is generally a proclaimed cynic and pessimist who makes it his business to look behind words and fine speeches for the motive. This motive is always low.
Mary McCarthy