Ethical globalization is possible if only we can hold governments and business accountable for respecting human rights, not just in the traditional political and legal realms, but in everything - health, education and the other social determinants of health - rights to food, safe water, sanitation and so on.
Mary RobinsonIf you live in a global world and you want to champion liberty in it, then you have you got to sign up to that global world.
Mary RobinsonI do not support individual countries taking military action against another country because of its human rights record, or subsequently justifying taking such action on human rights grounds.
Mary RobinsonFreedom from discrimination for women, ensuring that female children can learn to read, these are human needs for half the human race, not western values.
Mary RobinsonEvery government has signed up to a voluntary legal commitment under at least one of the international covenants and conventions based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But who is holding them to account? Our mission is to make it known that these conventions are good tools for civil society to hold their local authority, their government and businesses accountable.
Mary RobinsonMembership in the European Community, now the European Union, has enabled Ireland to re-find its sense of participation - cultural, political, social - at the European level. I think that also opens up possibilities for Ireland as a European country to look outward - to look particularly, for example, at countries to which a lot of Irish people emigrated, to our links - our human links - with the United States, with Canada, with Australia, with New Zealand. And to look also, because of our history, at our links to the developing countries.
Mary Robinson