[On filling out a grant application:] I seek an extended period of time, free from all distractions, so that I might be free to be distracted.
Mary RuefleThere is a world which poets cannot seem to enter. It is the world everybody else lives in. And the only thing poets seem to have in common is their yearning to enter this world.
Mary RueflePolar fleece is a plush, spongy, totally artificial material that weighs nothing and conveys no quality of warmth or coolness; in fact, you can wear it in the most bitter weather or in the hottest heat. Polar fleece looks neither flimsy and light nor hearty and warm. It has no historical, cultural, or physical association with a place, a season, a society, or any living thing. It is the first existential fabric - eminentaly useful, meaningless, dissociated and weird.
Mary RuefleSomething unpronounceable followed by a long silence points out my life is becoming a landscape.
Mary Ruefle