Great civilizations have annihilated themselveswhen the development of their spiritual wisdom lagged far behind their scientific technology. We need to walk softly, for though we have tread upon the surface of the moon, we have remained bigots and arrogant egotists. Walk softly, for history repeats its self with little provacation.
Mary Summer RainMany paths lead to the Door of Enlightenment. Beware those that proclaim there is but one.
Mary Summer RainYet there are those who wonder. There are those who have gentle stirrings. And there are those who have stepped upon the beautiful threshold of awareness - all on the verge of perceiving that which there is to see. To these ones, I say, open your exquisite senses. Look with fine clarity into that which is beyond and beneath, within and without. In these coming critical times, listen to and heed the directives of your spirits that retain the high wisdom you are just now perceiving.
Mary Summer RainGreat civilizations have annihilated themselveswhen the development of their spiritual wisdom lagged far behind their scientific technology. We need to walk softly, for though we have tread upon the surface of the moon, we have remained bigots and arrogant egotists. Walk softly, for history repeats its self with little provacation.
Mary Summer Rain