Living on purpose is a lifestyle, a way of being and a lifelong spiritual practice that will refine your Soul. This isn't a 10-day or 30-day plan. This is a lifelong adventure!
Mastin KippWe don't live abundant and happy lives in isolation or by being takers. So by giving away your purpose to others, you will find that others want to GIVE to you, too.
Mastin KippThe key to success is to not take rejection personally, to know that having faith counts the most when we feel scared the most, that a delay is not a denial and that persistence above all else will prove to be a powerful ally. Oh - and most importantly - do what you LOVE.
Mastin KippThe people who live the life of their dreams take risks. And on top of that, they persist. And on top of that, they trust themselves. And on top of that, they don't let circumstances hold them back, because they know that they are more powerful than their circumstances.
Mastin KippIf you believe that the economy has more power over you than GRACE does, then you will buy into that story and start to live that life.
Mastin KippWhat is missing from your life? Know that whatever you are missing, you are - most likely - not giving. Bring to your life what you want from it. If you don't think The Uni-verse is helping you, try trusting yourself and taking a risk. Listen to your intuition. Do what scares you... and the see the miracle that awaits.
Mastin Kipp