It's not the circumstances that determine who you're gonna be but how you deal with these problems and pains that come your way.
Mat KearneyGetting married and really digging in with another human being can point out your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses.
Mat KearneyAs my uncle always says, 'If your vibe outweighs your substance, you're destined to be a novelty.' I think that is true in all art.
Mat KearneyThe songs that you start to write that you are a little scared of can be the ones that you have to tell.
Mat KearneyWell, I never made a record to be in the Christian market. So when I made my record it was to exist in all of the markets. I grew up not really listening to tons of Christian music and if I did it was in the context of all the other music I listened to. So when I made the record I definitely had plans and visions and dreams.
Mat Kearney