In heaven we will sing free of all the shame, sickness and sorrow that we encounter in the here and now.
Matt RedmanI have the privilege of ministering in many different streams of the church. When you do that you're never going to subscribe to everything each other believe, but there's always so much common ground. The main and plain stuff you have in common, so you build upon that. I've never found a stream of the church I didn't learn something from. Every single time, even if I didn't personally agree with everything, there was something I took away, or learned, and felt like a stronger worshipper or worship leader.
Matt RedmanPraise is a contradiction of pride. Pride says 'looks at me,' but praise longs for people to see Jesus.
Matt RedmanThere is no lapse in His character or inconsistency in His nature. Our God is everything he says He isโฆ for now and all eternity.
Matt Redman