You know, when you don't have your real income, your take-home pay increase for a decade or a decade-and-a-half, it makes you awfully discouraged. And then when you see other things in society changing so rapidly, and you think that government is ineffective and unable to - incapable of taking steps, appropriate steps to make sure that America can lead, lead on the international stage and lead the international economy, I think that was so much of this.
Matt SchlappI think people who are concerned about the alt right are properly focusing on making sure it doesn't get mainstreamed, because it shouldn't be.
Matt SchlappI think that Putin views Obama as weak. I think that there is a sense that he could put the troops in Ukraine because he knows Obama will do very little than what he's done at this point.
Matt SchlappI do think Donald Trump has conservative instincts. I think he had anti-Obama instincts. I think he saw Obamacare, the Obama foreign policy, the Obama economic policies as harmful to America.
Matt SchlappI was maybe the earliest person who was constructive toward Trump who served at a high level in the Bush administration. I took a lot of guff from my former Bush colleagues who didn't see what was happening in the country. I'm not smarter than they are or a better person than they are. I just traveled a lot around the country.
Matt Schlapp