It costs lots of money to make records. It costs lots of money to generate artwork and manufacture and then ship things to people. If it keeps getting stolen, then the band has less ability to come to your town and perform. And that is ultimately what all of us want to do.
Matt SnellA lot of bands are going out and playing for nothing. A lot of bands will go out and get paid, but the gas tank will eat up their paycheck. When they manage to sell a t-shirt or two, there is a little bit of leftover money there so that they don't have to have McDonalds that day. They can actually eat something decent with possibly a bit of cash leftover. It's a huge part of the business now.
Matt SnellIf you are making smart decisions and doing the right things in the correct order and dedicating yourself to something, the success is inevitable.
Matt SnellI was raised on piano and saxophone and jazz music for ten or twelve years. Before I even picked up a bass. My whole family has always pushed the arts, you know? My brother is a doctor of music and my cousin is an opera singer over in Austria. Arts were always a big thing in our family.
Matt Snell