100 million dollars used to be the limit of what a movie might cost; now they routinely cost 300 million. Sooner or later, spectacle is just going to have to find a new way to exist.
Matthew SpecktorI think the publishing industry is dismayingly like the movie business. It grows more corporate by the day.
Matthew SpecktorPeople will continue to make movies. But I do think the economic model of the studio movie is closing in on a kind of systemic collapse.
Matthew SpecktorI've always found too that somewhere in whatever you've just written lies the seed of what you're going to write next.
Matthew SpecktorWe're a culture that's obsessed with people who make and who squander ridiculous amounts of wealth, which seemed an obsession well worth interrogating in a novel. That probably accounts for what some have called the book's "sweeping" feel, but I don't know that I set out to be cinematic. I wouldn't know how to do that in a novel, specifically.
Matthew Specktor