There were also other things, but this was a big factor. It's sad, because she [Eve Plumb] was my best friend. We went through a lot together.
Maureen McCormickToby Keith, when you wake up tomorrow there's still going to be liberals in the world, mexicans and blacks, Muslims and Jews and high school graduates...and everyone else who hates your music.
Maureen McCormickThere have been so many jokes, about sex and relationships on the "Brady Bunch" set. For some reason, tabloids picked up on this Eve thing. I was on a late-night show and I said, "Oh, yeah, I've kissed her."
Maureen McCormickI didn't think I could be my imperfect self. I pretended I was Marcia, so I was always playing this role. I became her, but yet I wasn't. It's strange.
Maureen McCormick