I think theres just this mystique of writing a book that appeals to people. A person has to really check their motives and say, Am I really being called by God to do this? Or is this just something that would look neat in my funeral? I dont mean to be harsh but I think a person really needs to, so they wont be disappointed.
Max LucadoThe wonders of nature call to you. The promises and prophecies of Scripture speak to you. God himself reaches out to you.
Max LucadoTo see sin without grace is despair. To see grace without sin is arrogance. To see them in tandem is conversion.
Max LucadoCourage does not panic; it prays. Courage does not bemoan; it believes. Courage does not languish; it listens
Max LucadoGod's love never ceases. Never. Though we spurn him. Ignore him. Reject him. Despise him. Disobey him. He will not change. Our evil cannot diminish his love. Our goodness cannot increase it. Our faith does not earn it any more than our stupidity jeopardizes it. God doesn't love us less if we fail or more if we succeed. God's love never ceases.
Max Lucado