A body without bones would be a limp impossible mess, so a day without steady routine would be disruptive and chaotic.
May SartonIt is the place of renewal and of safety, where for a little while there will be no harm or attack and, while every sense is nourished, the soul rests.
May SartonWe have to believe that every person counts, counts as a creative force that can move mountains.
May SartonHere life goes on, even and monotonous on the surface, full of lightning, of summits and of despair, in its depths. We have now arrived at a stage in life so rich in new perceptions that cannot be transmitted to those at another stage - one feels at the same time full of so much gentleness and so much despair - the enigma of this life grows, grows, drowns one and crushes one, then all of a sudden in a supreme moment of light one becomes aware of the sacred.
May Sarton