I always give the analogy of the Earth at Night picture, of 7.3 billion of us, right? And everyone says, "Well, that's population." Well, if you took the entire world's population and you lived at the density of Manhattan proper - not a bad place to live - how much space do 7.3 billion people take up? The state of Colorado. At which point I end my lectures, because I want you to be thinking ... is this really a question of population, or is this a question of land use and resource consumption? And let's face it, the top 1.3 billion of us are doing all the damage. Sorry.
Maya LinArt is very tricky because it's what you do for yourself. It's much harder for me to make those works than the monuments or the architecture.
Maya LinIt terrified me to have an idea that was solely mine to be no longer a part of my mind, but totally public.
Maya Lin