Make sure your desire to do what you're aspiring to do is deeper than just fame and being a celebrity.
Meagan GoodKeep God as your main focus. Make sure your desire to do what you're aspiring to do is deeper than just fame and being a celebrity. Be willing to work hard, and don't believe that when a door closes it's anything personal.
Meagan GoodI use bath gloves in the shower every day. People often comment on my skin and I just tell them that I use bath gloves.
Meagan GoodI do wish that I had gone to college, just for the simple fact that knowing more than one approach makes you more well-rounded. But I still can't say knowing what I know now, that I would have done it any differently.
Meagan GoodWhen I was growing up, I lived in a neighborhood that was largely Latino and I thought I was Latino!
Meagan GoodWhen I do photo shoots for men's magazines, I don't do lingerie, I don't do skimpy bikinis because I feel like, for young women, setting the standard of you can be sexy as hell, but you don't have to have your ass hanging out. Just me personally, I just don't feel that its necessary to project sexy. I feel like I can project that from the inside out. I can wear something a little sexy, but I don't need to take it to that next level.
Meagan Good