A Light of utmost splendor glows on the eyes of my soul. Therein have I seen the inexpressible ordering of all things, and recognized God's unspeakable glory -- that incomprehensible wonder -- the tender caress between God and the soul...the unmingled joy of union, the living love of eternity as it now is and evermore shall be.
Mechthild of MagdeburgA Light of utmost splendor glows on the eyes of my soul. Therein have I seen the inexpressible ordering of all things, and recognized God's unspeakable glory -- that incomprehensible wonder -- the tender caress between God and the soul...the unmingled joy of union, the living love of eternity as it now is and evermore shall be.
Mechthild of MagdeburgLord, you are my lover, my longing, my flowing stream, my sun, and I am your reflection.
Mechthild of MagdeburgThe day of my spiritual awakening was the day I saw and knew I saw all things in God and God in all things.
Mechthild of Magdeburg