Costis bowed stiffly. “I am here to make sure that you stay in bed, Your Majesty, because if this offends you and you order me summarily executed, it is no loss. Politically speaking.
Megan Whalen TurnerShe's like a prisoner inside stone walls, and every day the walls get a little thicker, the doorways a little narrower.
Megan Whalen TurnerHe should have said something, why hadn't he? Costis wondered. In fact, the king had. He had complained at every step all the way across the palace, and they'd ignored it. If he'd been stoic and denied the pain, the entire palace would have been in a panic already, Eddisian soldiers on the move. He'd meant to deceive them, and he'd succeeded. It made Costis wonder for the first time just how much the stoic man really wants to hide when he unsuccessfully pretends not to be in pain.
Megan Whalen TurnerI would very much like to strangle someone. Why don't you go away until I decide it isn't you?
Megan Whalen Turner