One word I had throughout the first year and a half of my mother's death was 'unmoored.' I felt that I had no anchor, that I had no home in the world.
Meghan O'RourkeFaith does help mourners survive their loss, some studies suggest; but I imagine one still struggles.
Meghan O'RourkeMy theory is this: Women falter when they're called on to be highly self-conscious about their talents. Not when they're called on to enact them.
Meghan O'RourkeOne of the difficulties with grief research is that it risks making certain kinds of grief seem normal and others abnormal - and of course having a sense of the contours of grief is, I think, truly useful, one has to remember it's not a science, it's an individual reckoning, which science is just trying to help us describe.
Meghan O'Rourke