The string of accusations being made against [Donald] Trump are raising new legal questions about some of these cases. Could actually be considered criminal sexual assault.
Megyn KellyThen to the victor go the spoils. You rise up by lifting, you know, each other up. You win. And so isn't this the time to be magnanimous like Donald Trump is and not to be, you know, predicting or projecting on to the press how they must cover him. They're going to cover him how they see fit.
Megyn Kelly[Donald Trump] is trying to stop immigration into the country from countries where there are major terrorist issues until we can figure out what is going on, but this seems like something else.
Megyn KellyI don't even watch Fox News usually in the prime time hours because I'm home with my kids and that's more important to me.
Megyn KellyThe one that sticks out in my mind and has all along was the New York Times piece on Melania Trump.Calling her a mannequin and a trophy wife, which if anybody had ever said that about any - Michelle Obama was a lawyer. But Melania Trump has been a successful businesswoman. She speaks several languages. A mannequin and a trophy wife and it was just - fine, they were allowed to say that about her.
Megyn Kelly