Therefore, look only for this fishhook, and you will be happily caught. The more you are caught, the more you will be liberated.
Meister EckhartEven now one rarely hears of people achieving great things unless they first stumble in some respect.
Meister EckhartLet God operate in thee; Hand the work over to Him and do not disquiet thyself as to whether or no He is working with nature or above nature, for His are both nature and grace.
Meister EckhartBy humility, out of an enemy He has made a friend, which is more than to have created a new earth.
Meister EckhartIt is permissible to take life's blessings with both hands provided thou dost know thyself prepared in the opposite event to take them just as gladly. This applies to food and friends and kindred, to anything God gives and takes away... As long as God is satisfied do thou rest content. If he is pleased to want something else of thee, still rest content.
Meister Eckhart