It is permissible to take life's blessings with both hands provided thou dost know thyself prepared in the opposite event to take them just as gladly. This applies to food and friends and kindred, to anything God gives and takes away... As long as God is satisfied do thou rest content. If he is pleased to want something else of thee, still rest content.
Meister EckhartLove is as strong as death, as hard as Hell. Death separates the soul from the body, but love separates all things from the soul.
Meister EckhartYou need seek God neither below or above.He is no farther away than the door of the heart.
Meister EckhartLove will never be anywhere except where equality and unity are..... And there can be no love where love does not find equality or is not busy creating equality. Nor is there any pleasure without equality. Practice equality in human society. Learn to love, esteem, consider all people like yourself. What happens to another, be it bad or good, pain or joy, ought to be as if it happened to you.
Meister Eckhart