She made a sound of regret. ‘We come second, you and I, Luc-ien,’ she said. ‘Our allegiance is always to our kingdoms. Without that allegiance, our people would fall.’ She placed her head back against his chest and he felt her tears. ‘This is not our time.’ ‘But that will never mean I love you less,’ he said.
Melina MarchettaInstinct tells me to go to Hannah's, but she doesn't live there anymore and that's when I realize the major difference between my mother and Hannah. My mother deserted me at the 7-Eleven, hundred of kilometers away from home. Hannah, however, did the unforgivable. She deserted me in our own backyard.
Melina MarchettaShe asked me what type of contraceptive I use. Underwear. Keeping it on prevents pregnancy.
Melina MarchettaYou can't think for other people. Nor can you feel for them or be them. They have to do that for themselves.
Melina Marchetta