I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Griggs." Anson Choi feigns surprise. "What's her name?" "I didn't actually catch her name," Griggs continues. "Lily," Raffaela says over her shoulder and this time I give her a sideways look. "Great to know that I'm in love with a girl with a cool name." "It's Taylor's middle name," Raffaela calls back again.
Melina MarchettaYou can know someone all your life, like your parents or family, but Iโll tell you this, Ned. Thereโs an expression on their face, or a tone in their voice, or a way they walk, that youโve never ever seen before. Like theyโve kept it hidden. Until their brother dies. Or their son. I remember those days and they were like these strangers and I wanted to say, Who are you people?
Melina Marchetta