What is it? A prize or something? No. It's not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once, and I want to be so sure when it happens. I don't want to say that the first time for me was bad or it didn't mean a thing.
Melina MarchettaWe look at each other for a moment and for once I feel awkward. It's not that I'm not into humility; I've just never had to practise it.
Melina MarchettaYou know something,Jacob, I'd hate to be as smart as Jonh. I mean he was really, really smart, and to be that smart means you know all the answers, and when you know all the answers there's no room for dreaming.
Melina MarchettaNever underestimate the value of knowing another's language. It can be far more powerful than swords and arrows.
Melina MarchettaHannah, do you think that your mum and dad and Tate's mum and dad and my mum and dad and Webb and Tate are all together someplace?' she asks earnestly. I look at Hannah, waiting for the answer. And then she smiles. Webb once said that a Narnie smile was a revelation and, at this moment, I need a revelation. And I get one. 'I wonder,' Hannah says.
Melina Marchetta