Do you ever wonder if what you look at is the same thing everyone else is seeing?' He went even stiller at her side. 'Sometimes I'm sure it isn't the same...but that's not so bad is it? Seeing the world in a different way?' Creative vision creates art' he motioned around the gallery 'that shows the rest of the world a new angle. That's a beautiful thing.
Melissa MarrI want to say that I really appreciate that readers are willing to work with my tendency to write in several different genres and for different age groups.
Melissa MarrShe stepped closer to one of the statues. It looked wide-eyed, almost afraid as she reached out her hand. One of the women reached out and snatched Aislinn's still uplifted hand. "No." The women spoke all at once, not to her or to Keenan, but softly-as if to themselves-in a sibilant whisper. "He's ours. Fair exchange. Not yours to interfere.
Melissa MarrIt was the only way he knew to protect the court, the faery, and the only mortal who'd ever mattered to him.
Melissa Marr