I got so lucky on my 'Red Widow' cast. It was just the universe looking out for me that I got those actors. It's a big ensemble cast, a very international cast. I don't know how that happened.
Melissa RosenbergWith a film, you have to pare down and take stuff out and squish it all down into a 110 page script.
Melissa RosenbergI'm a little jaded about change actually happening, I'll admit. The numbers are exactly the same as they were two decades ago, in terms of the number of female leads, or people behind the camera, all of that. I'll certainly do my part, and I feel like Jessica Jones is a great step.
Melissa RosenbergI've really been very focused on 'Jessica Jones.' Our series was well on its way to being created by the time we even saw scripts from 'Daredevil,' and 'Luke Cage' didn't even have a showrunner hired then. Jeph Loeb [Marvel TV boss] is the master of the connective tissue, but each series exists in its own world.
Melissa RosenbergWhat I really want to do is create great roles for women. And I'm not talking Nicholas Sparks romance. I think women's roles have gotten ghettoized in these sort of places... I'm thinking women in action, comic books, or like the Tony Soprano of women. We need some complex roles.
Melissa RosenbergSo what 'Twilight' does is show how women/girls can drive box office and they can support a tent pole movie. They're an extremely passionate fan base. This coincided with the 13 year old boys starting to stay home and play video games and work on their home media stuff. They're no longer going to theaters in droves.
Melissa Rosenberg