Friends are people who help you be more yourself, more the person you are intended to be.
Merle ShainLoving can cost a lot but not loving always costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life.
Merle ShainLoving someone means helping them to be more themselves, which can be different from being what you’d like them to be, although often they turn out the same
Merle Shainyou have to be very careful when you give to others that you don't tell them how great you are rather than how much you value them.
Merle ShainIt can be much harder to be on the receiving end of a transaction than to be the one who gets to give. In fact, being given to can mean being taken from. There is a very strong connection between pride and giving, and those who do the giving get to feel that they are worthy, while those who are given to often feel that they are not.
Merle Shain