Johnny Storm is such an iconic character. There's a lot of personality traits and things to him that people are really going to look forward to seeing.
Michael B. Jordan[Chris Evans] is doing an amazing job with "Captain America." I really enjoy those films as well so that's kind of pretty much where that was.
Michael B. JordanAs human beings, why does it take somebody to feel like they're close to us for us to see their humanity? Why can't we see the humanity in people that are distant from us?
Michael B. JordanChicago PD has a rule that if you work in Chicago you have to live in Chicago. Some areas don't have that rule.So oftentimes you get people from different environments that get thrown into environments with people that they never spent time with before in they life. On a daily basis or in their personal life. The only access they had to these type of people was through the media.
Michael B. JordanYou see somebody like me, as young as I was at the time, driving around the inner city of Newark, and to them [police] it doesn't make sense. I've been illegally searched [and had] my car illegally searched. [I've] been handcuffed for no reason. You get in enough of those situations.
Michael B. Jordan